In partnership with the PinkDrive® in South Africa, ghd aims to raise awareness around self-check and the importance of self-checking regularly to save lives. Early diagnosis can prolong your life.
Follow the below the easy steps to do your own self-check and put your health first. Challenge yourself to put a monthly recurring reminder into your phone so you don't forget to self-check EVERY. SINGLE. MONTH.

Step 1.
Put your hands on your hips, pop your shoulders and elbows forward. Look for any unusual changes to the skin & nipple.

Step 2.
Use the flats of your fingers to check collarbone working down your boobs.

Step 3.
Feel along your underarm for any unusual lumps, swelling or pain.

Step 4.
Start at the nipple, move the flats of your fingers in a circular motion around your boobs.

Step 5.
Contact your GP to check anything new or unusual
Help ghd carry on raising funds for this important cause with the ghd pink collection. R100 from every product purchased is donated to the PinkDrive® to help them on their mission in our local communities.