Style a natural blown out look for a classic lifted style or as a foundation for further styling, with the ghd helios hair dryer and professional comb nozzle.
Lift and stretch your hair to maximise the length and amplify the volume for a beautiful style with extra body! Prep damp hair with ghd straight & smooth spray for an elevated finish, then dry using the ghd helios hair dryer and professional comb nozzle to gently lift and shape your style. This technique is a great starting point for further styling, if you want to create a sleek straight style or tumbling curls and waves.
Achieve a classic, full-bodied blow out look with the ghd helios and professional comb nozzle.

Prep damp hair

Divide hair into two sections

Detangle, starting at the ends

Subdivide into 4 sections

Dry your hair using the comb nozzle

Continue this technique throughout

Style a side parting